Heart Health–managing High Blood Pressure In Winter

The synergestic miracles of chlorella and its ability to reduce high blood pressure and cerebral stroke lesions

Eat a healthy diet. Aim to eat a diet thats rich in fruits, vegetables, whole-grain and high-fiber foods, and fat-free and low-fat dairy products, and reduce sugar and sodium. If your holiday meal traditions arent as healthy as youd like, modify ingredients or add a healthy new dish to the menu. 4. Get 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week. Exercise not only helps control your blood pressure, it also helps you manage your weight, strengthen your heart and manage stress.
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The WebMD Weight Loss Plan For People With Hypertension By Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, LD WebMD Weight Loss Clinic Registered Dietitian The WebMD Weight Loss Clinic Program can work well for people on a low-salt diet, as long as the sodium restriction is not severe (less than 2,000 mg per day). Making the right choices within your food plan — such as avoiding processed foods and using little table salt — is the key to making it work for you. Also, keep in mind that sodium occurs naturally in some foods, such as meats, breads and dairy products. Remember, though, that the salt shaker is usually responsible for only about 15% of the sodium in your diet. Most comes from processed and canned foods, so pass up these foods in favor of fresh ones — usually those located around the perimeter of the grocery store. Learn more in Kathleen Zelman’s article: Lowering Blood Pressure: It’s a 2-Step Although officials do not recommend that people who fit into this prehypertension category start taking blood pressure-lowering drugs, they do call for these people to make heart-healthy lifestyle changes to reduce their risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney damage, and other complications.
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The New Normal in High Blood Pressure

The 10 percent lipid soluble and residual fraction chlorella diets showed similar results, significantly lowering blood pressure in the mice. Both forms also decreased the amount of cerebral vessel lesions, when compared to the control group. The lipid soluble fraction, which contained large quantities of antioxidants like lutein and phospholipids, supported healthy aorta collagen and elastin metabolism in the mice vascular system. The residual fraction contained large amounts of arginine, which is proven to improve blood vessel function. The study’s authors confirmed that high levels of arginine, phospholipids and antioxidants like lutein all work together synergistically to enhance vascular function.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.naturalnews.com/042661_chlorella_high_blood_pressure_cerebral_stroke_lesions.html

Hormone Therapy Not For Disease Prevention: Study

In the hormone therapy fight, bioidenticals come out swinging

Seaman and Megan Brooks NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Hormone therapy may help some women manage hot flashes during menopause. But it should not be used to prevent conditions like heart disease and dementia, a new study confirms. After analyzing data from about 30,000 women, researchers found the risk of serious health problems increased while women were taking hormones – as past studies have also shown – and then fell once they went off the pills. “The findings suggest that hormone therapy is a reasonable option for short-term treatment of menopausal symptoms in early menopause but should not be used for long-term chronic disease prevention,” Dr.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://news.yahoo.com/hormone-therapy-not-disease-prevention-study-201106427.html

Safety is one of the biggest problems with such compounds. Because their manufacture is in the hands of a single individual, theres no quality oversight. Women cant count on getting the correct prescribed dose of hormone and sometimes not even close to it. A recent study commissioned by MORE magazine examined the exact hormone content in 12 bioHT prescriptions, which were filled by 12 pharmacies. Two pharmacies were retail stores and 10 were online companies. Flora Research Labs analyzed the medications with mass spectrometry.
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Hormone Therapy for Breast Cancer

What types of hormone therapy are used for breast cancer? Several strategies have been developed to treat hormone-sensitive breast cancer, including the following: Blocking ovarian function: Because the ovaries are the main source of estrogen in premenopausal women, estrogen levels in these women can be reduced by eliminating or suppressing ovarian function. Blocking ovarian function is called ovarian ablation. Ovarian ablation can be done surgically in an operation to remove the ovaries (called oophorectomy) or by treatment with radiation. This type of ovarian ablation is usually permanent.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.oncologynurseadvisor.com/hormone-therapy-for-breast-cancer/article/316595/

Health Reform Breaks Bad: The Deceptions And Disasters Of Obamacare

Insurer Health Net overhauls its operations preparing for Obamacare

How do we know this? Because the Congressional Budget Office told us so , in November 2009, months before Obamacare was actually signed into law. Oliver Wyman, a well-known international consulting firm, has estimated the health-insurers tax alone is expected to increase premiums for single coverage by a minimum of $2,150 over the next 10 years while boosting family premiums by $5,080 during the same period. Even older people on Medicare Advantage plans, who tend to have lower-than-average incomes , will see premiums go up by $3,590 over 10 years according to the Oliver Wyman calculations.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/10/21/health-reform-breaks-bad-the-deceptions-and-disasters-of-obamacare/2/

Health-Care False Claims Cases Reap $18.3 Billion, Report

Most of the recoveries by the U.S. between 1987 and 2012 were in health-care cases, where the government recovered $24.1 billion, according to Justice Department statistics. Between 2008 and 2012, the civil U.S. recoveries amounted to $9.4 billion, according to the Justice Department. The TAF report shows that criminal fines associated with false claims recoveries over the same period were $4.5 billion, while state recoveries were $4.4 billion.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-10-21/health-care-false-claims-cases-reap-18-3-billion-report.html

“People are working harder than they ever have. They’re exhausted, but they’re exhausted and excited.” Accomplishments By the end of 2012, the company provided coverage for about 5.4 million people in the United States. That number is poised to grow as Health Net snaps up customers under the new healthcare law. “California is the proving ground. This is the future.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-stock-spotlight-healthnet-20131021,0,7113669.story